Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Wake Up PC by TEXT (SMS)

I was a bit busy with studying for my CCENT exam (I passed it on Friday), therefore there were not a lot of updates here.

Two weeks ago we have received a very good offer from SKY (free broadband+TV package) so we have decided to move to Sky. Here comes the problem. I cannot use Wake on WAN anymore. Well time to find a solution, and the solution was found. Wake by TEXT.

I had a spare Android phone (it reminds me of a discussion with an HP technician about not throwing away an Android phone and how I made him aware of Tasker. We had no broken PCs at work, so I did not get a chance to ask him how is he getting on with it. I will need to ask for his email address next time he is coming around). OK, that was off topic so the requirements are as follows:

- PC set up to Wake up on LAN and connected to the router through wire
- 2 android phones (one that will initiate the message and the second one which will stay at home connected to the same network as the PC)
- Tasker
- Wake on LAN

Configuration on the main phone that will initiate the process:

1. Install Tasker
2. Add a new task by taping the TASKS tab followed by +
3. Name the task "WAKE PC" and tap the check mark
4. Tap +, followed by Phone and Send SMS
5. Insert the "phone number" in the Number field, the number needs to be in international format (i.e. if in UK start with +44)
6. In the Message field add "PC" (without the quotation marks)
7. Tick Store In Messaging App if you wish the message to be saved
8. Create a Tasker Widget on the desktop named "Wake Up PC" and chose WAKE PC as task

Configuration on the second phone

1. Install Tasker and Wake on LAN
2. Start Wake on LAN
3. Tap Add New
4. Use the following details:

  • Name: Home
  • MAC: mac address of the PC
  • IP or Domain: IP address of the network(ex
  • Port: 9 (if it does not work with 9 try 7)
  • Send as Broadcast: ticked
  • Subnet: (if you are using a Class C address which most of the home networks use, it should be pre-filled)
  • Packet Count: 5
  • Interval(seconds): 1
  • Tap Save
5. Start Tasker
6. Add a profile by taping +
7. Chose Event, Phone and Received SMS
8. Use the following settings:

  • Type: SMS
  • Sender: the phone number of the first phone
  • Content: "PC" (without the quotation marks)
9. Add New Task by pressing +
10. Type in "WOL"
11. Tap +
12. Chose plugin followed by WoL, Wake On Lan Wan
13. Tap Edit and chose Home

Done. Time to switch off your PC and test it.